Pokemon hack version list
Pokemon hack version list

  • Certain Pokémon can now learn TMs that they couldn't learn before.
  • You can now bike in Castro Forest, Haunted Forest, various Route Gates that wouldn't let you before, and in Johto.
  • Wing Attack's base damaged has been increased to 60.
  • pokemon hack version list

    Certain legendary Pokémon, such as Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, are randomly assigned upon creating a new save file so that only those generated can be caught in the wild in that save. Eevee -> Sylveon (use Magic Wand 2014 version only)Ģ10 of the 225 Pokémon in the Rijon Dex are obtainable without using glitches or external trading.Eevee -> Glaceon (level up the second Eevee from the Game Corner).Eevee -> Leafeon (level up the Eevee obtained in a trade in Botan City).Eevee -> Umbreon (level up an Eevee from the cave north of Seashore City).Eevee -> Espeon (level up an Eevee from the International Tunnel or level up the first Eevee from the Game Corner).Poliwhirl -> Politoed (use King's Rock).Misdreavus -> Mismagius (use Dusk Stone).Magneton -> Magnezone (use Coronet Stone).Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z (use Dubious Disk).new version without glitching the game and messing the Pokdex and item list. Electabuzz -> Electivire (use Electrizer) Pokmon Brown is a ROM hack of Pokmon Red, created in 2004 by Koolboyman.That includes trade evolutions and stages that were not present in earlier generations, as well as making all Eeveelutions possible. Pokémon Brown features special items that trigger evolution for Pokémon that would normally be difficult or impossible to obtain. Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z: Normal -> Abnormal.Gastly/Haunter/Gengar: Ghost/Poison -> Gas/Ghost.

    pokemon hack version list

    Exeggutor: Grass/Psychic -> Psychic/Wood.Its idea of a world tournament was wonderful and the two regions introduced made it really. Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebel: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Wood Top 10 Best Pokemon GBA ROM Hack Games 1 Pokemon Light Platinum.In game, there are five new types: Wood, Gas, Abnormal, Wind and Sound. Main Article: List of TMs in Pokémon Brown Pokémon Type Changes Pokémon Red/Blue, with twelve TMs altered. The TM set for Pokémon Brown has changed a bit from the one introduced in A new music track, including tunes from Johto,.224 Pokémon from Gen I-IV and one from Gen VI for a total of 225 Pokémon.

    Pokemon hack version list